Free Christmas treasure hunt
We have created twenty treasure hunt clues that are either Christmas themed or are hidden in Christmas locations/objects. These are for you to use for free in treasure hunts you are making. The numbering is given so that you can reference clues but you don’t need to do all of them or do them in this order.
Simply choose some clues, put the first one aside (to give to the hunters) and hide the rest in any order. Give the hunters the first clue to set them off.
If you need more clues take a look at our list of free treasure hunts or treasure hunt ideas.

- Clue: riddle. Answer: Cracker
You find me on the dinner table.
You pull me apart.
I make a bang!
I give you a gift and a hat. - Clue: A = B. Answer: Stocking
A = B
R S N B J H M F - Clue: order letters. Answer: WITH SANTA HAT
Reveal the next clue by placing these in the order they appear in The Twelve Days of Christmas:
Lords a-leaping = H
Ladies dancing = A
Turtle doves = I
Maids a-milking = T
French hens = T
Partridge in a pear tree = W
Calling birds = H
Pipers piping = A
Geese a-laying = A
Swans a-swimming = N
Drummers drumming = T
Gold rings = S - Clue: letter path. Answer: Nativity scene
- Clue: scavenger hunt; when the items have been found give them the next clue.
Place the following on the table to be given the next clue:
1. A bauble
2. A drawing of a snowman
3. A carrot for Rudolph
4. A woolly sock
5. A Christmas DVD or CD
6. An advent calendar
7. A hat
8. Christmas food (for example: chocolate, Brussel sprout, mince pie or Christmas pudding) - Clue: jumbled image. Answer: snowglobe
Can you work out what this is an image of without having to cut it out and rearrange it? - Clue: word search. Answer: Tinsel
N A M W O N S G L N R B T G P U J T E S U W A C O N U S S C J L H U T L L I N A J C Q R B O E J I R E F E C R L W L T F E E N A F T E E U Z V Z C K R Q D O U Y W A L Z J S C Y V S G L O V E S K G G K - Clue: puzzle. Answer: UNDER DOOR MAT
- Clue: circular text. Answer: BAUBLE
- Clue: pictogram. Answer: Fairy lights
- Clue: first letters. Answer: wreath
- Clue: foreign language. Answer: Christmas Tree
Weihnachtsbaum (German)
Sapin de Noël (French)
árbol de Navidad (Spanish)
drzewko świąteczne (Polish) - Clue: mirrored writing. Answer: Presents
- Clue: song; the hunters have sung a Christmas song correctly give them the next clue.
Sing a Christmas song without reading the words! You will then get your next clue. - Clue: question. Answer: Christmas pudding
Where at Christmas would you traditionally hide a sixpence? - Clue: capital letters. Answer: Chimney
we wish you a merry Christmas
we wisH you a merry chrIstmas
we wish you a merry christMas
aNd a happy nEw Year - Clue: template mask: cut out the two grids so that they are separate. The hunters must place the second sheet over the first (orientated the correct way) to reveal the clue. Answer: KETTLE
- Clue: famous names. Answer: Holly
_ _ _ _ _ Willoughby
_ _ _ _ _ Valance - Clue: film posters. Answer: Left shoe: (Home alone, Elf, Nativity, Miracle on 34th Street, The Nightmare Before Christmas)
- Clue: spinners: cut out the three discs and use a split-pin or similar to attach them together (smallest on top). Hunters must align each symbol in turn to read the opposing letters. Answer: under the sink